João Pedro Vale +
Nuno Alexandre Ferreira
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Loving as the Road Begins,
| Exterior: Estrutura de ferro pintada e revestida com wallmate, terra e MDF. Interior: tinta acrílica, papel, tecido, esponja, cortinas de vinil, máscaras de latex, gagballs, espelho, bancos, rádio de pilhas, frascos de vidro com urina, copos com cerveja, cinzeiros, pratos, apito, luva, pregos, gato de cerâmica, cadeados, gaiolas, algemas de ferro, velas, baldes, arrastadeiras, sapatos, botas de borracha, divã, cobertores, toalhas de banho, cacifos, blusões, malas de viagem, cartola, bengalas, pés de gesso, cabos de bateria, bidão, monitor com vídeo (cor; s/som; 12:26 loop), cuecas, cordas, chuveiros, bomba de água, aquecedores, lâmpadas, ventoinha e sistema elétrico. Performance: partitura coreográfica realizada em colaboração com João Santos Martins (activada por Guilherme Leal e Duarte Melo) com duração de 1 hora. Dimensões: 650 x 600 x 540 cm |
| Exterior: Iron structure painted and coated with wallmate, earth and MDF. Interior: acrylic paint, paper, fabric, sponge, vinyl curtains, latex masks, gagballs, mirror, stools, battery radio, glass bottles with urine, glasses with beer, ashtrays, plates, whistle, glove, nails, cat ceramic, padlocks, cages, iron handcuffs, candles, buckets, bedpans, shoes, rubber boots, divan, blankets, bath towels, lockers, jackets, suitcases, top hat, walking sticks, plaster feet, battery cables , drum, monitor with video (color; without sound; 12:26 loop), underpants, ropes, showers, water pump, heaters, lamps, fan and electrical system. Performance: choreographic score in collaboration with João Santos Martins (performed by Guilherme Leal and Duarte Melo) with a duration of 1 hour. Dimensions: 650 x 600 x 540 cm |